posted 15/11/2016 Admin

Ion transfer technology (iontophoresis): is a technology that uses direct current to transport drugs through the skin, has the effect of increasing drug absorption efficiency up to 90% through three main mechanisms:

+ The charged solute is firstly transported by electric repulsion from the electrodes.

+ Electric current increases the permeability of the epidermis with the substance.

+ Electro-osmosis allows transport of non-ionized molecules and peptides.

Acthyderm machine with ion transfer technology (Iontophoresis)

This is a modern technology, replacing the old techniques such as massage or masking. This technology has been successfully used for many conditions including:

+ Acne

+ Atopic dermatitis, Seborrheic dermatitis, contact dermatitis

+ Hyperpigmentation, melasma, post inflammation hyperpigmentation

+ Skin rejuvenation: wrinkle removal, facelift, neck and anti-aging skin

+ Reduce fat, cellulite


As one of the leaders in the application of ion transfer electricity technology in Vietnam, the Department of Research and Application of Stem Cell Technology –  located on 9th Floor, National hospital of Dermatology and Venereology has successfully treated these diseases and is a trusted address for many aesthetic customers. Each customer coming to the department will go through the following steps:

Step 1: The doctor will examine and analyze the facial skin with a facial scanner, evaluate the skin type and cosmetic diseases (skin aging, scars, acne …)

Step 2: Clean with specialized products, suitable for each skin type, without irritation

Step 3: Intensive treatment with ion transfer technology (iontophoresis). Depending on the skin condition analyzed in step 1, select the appropriate iontophoresis product.

Step 4: Skincare with specialized products, increase moisture, help regenerate and restore skin after the procedure

Any questions please send to one of the following addresses:

+ Department phone number: 043 573 9298

+ Customer care department – National hospital of Dermatology and Venereology: 1900 6951

Author: Dr. Nguyen Thi Kim Cuc

Publisher: Social Work Department
